4 comments on “LOL…

  1. HOWDY! I have nominated you for The One Lovely Blog Award. I bet you are quivering in excitement… or perhaps you might be hitting your head against a wall repeating the phrase “Not another award, not another award!” You don’t have to accept this award, but I would love for you to pop over to my blog and come celebrate! There will be imaginary champagne, disco balls and a drumming cat! What more could one want? Hehe. . If you’re interested click on the link: https://insidethelifeofmoi.wordpress.com/2015/04/29/my-big-fat-award-ceremonystrike-two/

    Liked by 1 person

  2. T.R. Sanders says:

    Such bright and vibrant laughter! It’s infectious…

    Liked by 1 person

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